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Maine Coon

  • 1 min read

A person who buys a Maine Coon quickly gets a lot of cat for their money. Not only is the breed large, did you know that the world's largest domestic cat is a Maine Coon? The cat was 123 cm long and weighed 25.9 KG.

The head is medium in size and has a square outline. The breed has high and prominent cheekbones combined with a square-shaped nose and a strong chin.

The ears are large and triangular but rounded at the tips. The ears usually have tufts of hair sticking out from the inside and lynx tufts at the tips.

They are placed an ear's width apart and stand almost straight up, with a slight angle from each other.

The eyes are set wide apart, are large and oval, but appear round when wide open. The eyes can also come in any color.

The body is long, powerful and muscular, with a tail that is at least as long as the body from the shoulder blades to the tailbone. The tail fur is long and wavy.

The coat is thick and consists of a silky undercoat and a somewhat coarser topcoat. The coat of fur prepares the cat for all kinds of weather.

All coat colors are permitted, except for the mesh pattern and chocolate, cinnamon, lilac and fawn.
